As General Counsel, we take a comprehensive approach to communities and offer everything a community needs. We represent communities of all sizes. We work closely along-side our clients to focus on corporate strategies that allow communities to operate with a full budget, improve property values, solve community problems, and reach community goals.
Our Service Include:
As General Counsel, we take a comprehensive approach to communities and offer everything a community needs. We represent communities of all sizes. We work closely along-side our clients to focus on corporate strategies that allow communities to operate with a full budget, improve property values, solve community problems, and reach community goals.
Our Service Include:
An Association’s ability to operate is determined by the amount they are paid by homeowners. When owners fail to pay, Association’s are put in a tough position - collect from their owners or run a budget deficit. This is where we come in, and it is of no cost to you - the association. Our firm operates on a deferred fees model. Any cost that goes into our collections process is paid by the homeowner. Our goal is to recover more than 50% of the money you are owed within the first 3 months of obtaining your delinquent files.
Our Service Include:
An Association has an obligation to enforce its governing documents, to help ensure owners comply with the covenants and rules of the community. When owners violate the covenants and neglect reminder notices to correct the issue, the Association should address the non-compliance issues since it can negatively impact property value in the community. If violations are an issue in your community, our firm has extensive experience helping communities address those issues in a cost effective manner to get compliance and standards back on track to a standard the Association needs to help protect property values. In our standard enforcement model, costs of enforcement are generally paid by the homeowner in violation, whenever applicable, in accordance with the authority granted in governing documents. By following our enforcement model and strategies, you should expect to see a dramatic reduction in violations within 90 days.
Our Service Include: